
We are currently reassessing formats for online donation. Moving forward, we ask that all donations be made either by mail or at the church.

“The spiritual virtue of those to whom much has been given lies in their capacity to embody a certain austerity, simplicity, and practical asceticism in everyday life that makes room for sharing God’s abundance given to them with those neighbors in want whom God has placed before them.”

Leopoldo A. Sánchez M., Sculptor Spirit

“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace... in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”

1 PETER 4:9-11


Other Ways to Give

Scrip Cards

Scrip cards, like gift cards, can be used to purchase anything from groceries, fuel, clothing, toys, and cosmetics to entertainment, electronics, home improvement or household services. Shop Rite, Amazon, Dunkin, Applebee’s, Home Depot, and Home Goods are just a few of the merchants whose cards are available.

Coordinator: Sharon Bevacqua (845) 986-3040

There is a new Mobile App for ordering and utilizing Scrip Cards - RaiseRight, available from the Apple AppStore and GooglePlay Store. If you have questions, read our FAQs here.

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Lutheran World Relief - Equal Exchange Coffees

A partnership between Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange, which works with partners in 35 countries to help people grow food, improve health, strengthen communities, end conflict, build livelihoods and recover from disasters.

Coordinator: Roberta Beany (845) 661-3718

Donations support Good Shepherd’s “Renovation Fund”. Organic Decaf & Caffeinated Coffee is being offered at $10.00 for a 12oz. bag. There is also a box of 12 single serve cups for sale at $10.00 a box.

Backpack Snack Attack

An outreach program of the Warwick Reformed Church that we partner with to feed nearly 300 school children in the Warwick Township. This program provides food for school children when school is not in session.

Coordinator: Roberta Beany (845) 661-3718

Food items such as microwavable soups, mac and cheese, puddings, fruit cups, fruit bars, granola bars, crackers, etc. are needed. Food donations can be placed in the gray cabinet in the Narthex.


Compassion International

A child sponsorship and Christian humanitarian aid organization, pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty. Child sponsorship works through monthly financial support, prayer and letter writing, sponsors invest directly in the lives of children living in extreme poverty.

Coordinator: Maggie Adams (845) 986-7016

Good Shepherd sponsors a young boy named Fenanois by collecting spare change for our “Change for a Chance” jar and bottles for recycling.

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”